Oral Proverbs and Dream Language

Lucid Trance Channeler

Cosmic channeling since 2013

through spirit writing


  1. Ganesh says:

    Very nice and inspiring blog, Brandyn! Thanks for following “Known is a drop, Unknown is an Ocean”. 🙂

    1. aubreysarch says:

      Thank you for your kind words.

  2. pariscarter12 says:

    Hey I nominated you for the Liebster award!

    1. aubreysarch says:

      Thank you very much.

  3. Your output of poetry is much higher of a rate than that of my own blog. And all are high quality and not just meaningless blabber. Strong work.

    1. aubreysarch says:

      I am truly humbled. Much gratitude.

  4. psychopathsgetbored28 says:

    Hey Aubrey! I nominated you for the Liebster award and the Dragon’s loyalty award. If you wish to participate you can check the details here – http://dimplelefty.wordpress.com/2014/09/18/blog-awards/

    Thanks! 🙂

    1. aubreysarch says:

      Thank you for these gifts! I am ever so honored and grateful to know you 🙂

      1. psychopathsgetbored28 says:

        So am I! Hope you’re doing well. Take care. 🙂

      2. aubreysarch says:

        Yes indeed! Same to you and thanks for everything, Light!

      3. psychopathsgetbored28 says:

  5. georgetteann says:

    I’ve nominated you for the One Lovely Blog Award! If you choose to participate, here is a link to the information: http://georgetteann.wordpress.com/2014/11/15/one-lovely-blog-award/. Thank you! 🙂

    1. aubreysarch says:

      Thank you ever so much ❤ I appreciate your kindness, you are truly Lovely!

      1. georgetteann says:

        You are very welcome and deserving! I love your writing and am glad I found your blog. 🙂

      2. aubreysarch says:

        Your words are such a blessing and carry much beauty. I am thankful to be a part of your sphere! 🙂

  6. Mike says:

    One of the most creative introductions that I’ve read on WordPress 😉

    1. aubreysarch says:

      Thank you Mike. So kind of you to say! Blessings 🙂

  7. Hi Brandyn, thank you for the follow and likes on my blog Passion through Poetry. Glad to be across yours too, your writing is so powerful. Good meeting you, Vonita 🙂

    1. aubreysarch says:

      Thank you Vonita, sincerely! Your writings are indeed passionate and a true inspiration of the heart.
      So glad to of met you as well 🙂

  8. Thanks for following and “liking” my post Thank You (For The Love). I hope you enjoyed the audio version also.

    🍂Happy Thanksgiving! 🍂

    1. aubreysarch says:

      Thank you Oscar for your words! Happy Thanksgiving to you 🙂 The audio version is incredible. The emote in your words take on a life force of their own. Thank you for sharing your heart!

      1. Thank you Brandyn!
        I’m pleased you enjoyed the song!

  9. Barry says:

    I love your blog, it’s energy and your work is simply divine, very big thank you for sharing sincere regards, Barry

  10. aubreysarch says:

    A wholehearted thank you, Barry. I really appreciate your words, a true blessing!

  11. andy1076 says:

    Hi! Thank you for following my blog ^.^

    1. aubreysarch says:

      Hello, happy new year & best of wishes!

      1. andy1076 says:

        Cheers cheers! 🙂

  12. platosgroove says:

    I saw you on a friend of mine’s blog LWS who writes little lines with great meaning. I look forward to getting to know you through your work

    1. aubreysarch says:

      I appreciate your words. Wherever the journey leads so shall I …

  13. Tony says:

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and liking something. I am enjoying my visit to your little corner of the blogosphere.

    1. aubreysarch says:

      Thank you very much. Wonderful information your blog contains, beneficial & insightful.

  14. Diwata says:

    You really have a way of putting words in short verses yet, packed with insight and awareness. Truly wonderful of you, dear Aubrey 🙂

    1. aubreysarch says:

      So kind Diwata, your words mean a lot. Your writings are beautifully unique, which I love ♥♥

      1. Diwata says:

        There are posts you have I wanted to leave comments but you disabled your comment section 🙂 So I came by to let you know 🙂 Mutual appreciation ♥♥

      2. aubreysarch says:

        Grateful indeed ♥ xoxo

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